These are summaries of my thesis research which explored how women in Ireland make the decision to become a parent or not in 2017.
Irish Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy Winter Edition 2017
'Decision Making Regarding Motherhood in Ireland: Making a Space in Counselling for Women's Voices'

These are links to websites that I think provide useful information on the parenthood decision.

I have spoken about the parenthood decision at several conferences and events. I believe it is very important to raise awareness that there is a choice to be made and each person has to make the right decision for their lives.
"Decision Making Regarding Motherhood in Ireland - Changing Family Formations"
Irish Social Policy Association Conference, Dublin, July 2018
"Choice as a Form of Resistance - Decision Making regarding Motherhood on Ireland"
- Sibeal Feminist & Gender Studies Network, University College Dublin, November 2017
"Decision Making Regarding Motherhood in Ireland: Making a Space for Women's Voices in Counselling" - Irish Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Conference, Kilkenny, October 2017
"Decision Making Regarding Motherhood in Ireland - Has Anything Changed?"
- Women On Ireland Research Network, Waterford Institute of Technology, June 2017